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The Away PA provides an "on demand" secretarial and business support service in conjunction with it's online office "Head Office". To find out more about how you can take advantage of a fully supported office, anywhere, any time, visit the Head Office website or The Away PA Website or email
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Friday 28 November 2008

All Joined Up in Excel - Great for your database

In Excel, to place in one cell a forename and surname stored in two separate cells, click on a separate cell and type in the cell references of the two names to be joined. For example,to join a
forename stored in cell B2 to a surname stored in cell A2,use the formula:‘=B2&”“&A2’. Do include the double quotes but not the single quotes (see screenshot below). Also, be sure to put a space between the double quotes if a space is needed between the words. More names or words can be added to the same cell from other cells if need be.

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